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LAS Student Spotlight – Shae Bernhardt

Author: acnels

Shae Bernhardt


Public Relations & Event Management | Minor: Leadership Studies

Shae Bernhardt Major: Public Relations & Event Management, Minor: Leadership Studies2024 Summer Internship

Social Media Intern at the Iowa High School Athletic Association

What advice would you have for other students regarding internship/job searches?

“Do your research before going into the interview!” Shae recommends focusing on the qualifications of the job posting so you can “advertise yourself for the specific position.” “Confidence is everything!”

Did you attend any ISU Career Fairs? How did you prepare to speak with employers?

Shae attended the People to People Career Fair, reviewing the attending organizations beforehand. Shae further prepared by creating a list of questions to take with her. “I even got a job from a career fair my summer of junior year just from networking with employers there!”

How has the job helped prepare you for your next steps in your career?

“I gained a ton of relevant social media and professional skills that will help me in my future internship and job hunt.” According to Shae, her internship provided a “great stepping stone” towards her dream career of working as a content creator or social media manager for a professional sports team.

What other experiences have helped you to learn and grow professionally, academically, and personally?

Shae encourages students take leadership positions on campus that are related to their major to “fill their cup.” Shae is an avid runner and loves to spend time outside. Shae also emphasizes it’s important to have “passions outside of your major.”