Classroom to Careers: Stacie Stearns
Author: tbrow

Author: tbrow
**Stacie Stearns**
Class: 2011, Anthropology
Job title: Box Office Coordinator
Business: Science Center of Iowa & Blank IMAX Dome Theater
**A Less Stressful Life**
Stacie Stearns, a recent Iowa State graduate, admits her current job at the Science Center of Iowa is lot less stressful than college life. In fact, it is actually very relaxing and fun.
“If I am struggling with a project or just having a rough day, I can go build paper rocket or read to the preschoolers or learn about how fire works,” said Stearns. “While there are still deadlines and stressful parts of my job, I genuinely enjoy going to work every day, the busier and crazier the day the more fun it is!”
**A Lesson Learned**
Stacie is the Box Office Coordinator for the Science Center of Iowa (SCI) and Blank IMAX Dome Theater. Before she landed this job, Stacie sent out dozens of resumes and cover letters – even for jobs she knew she would not like.
“My biggest mistake right out of college was taking an interview for a job that I was not qualified for and not interested in.” said Stearns. “After college, I thought I would take anything that came my way, well that was silly. I interviewed for a Financial Advisor position even though I hated finance and knew little to nothing about the financial industry. That was a waste of my time and the interviewer’s time.”
The thing she has found most important when applying for jobs is to be relatable and show passion.
“Companies want to know why you want to work for them and if you have any personal experiences with their organization,” said Stearns.
**A Reason to Think Outside the Box**
Stacie encourages college students to think hard about what job they want – the perfect job may be hiding.
“Think outside the box. There are lots of young college graduates on the hunt for the perfect job,” said Stearns. “Every time SCI attends a job fair, we are shocked at how many people assume you have to be a scientist to work at SCI.”
What many people many overlook on their job search is the vast amount of job opportunities that one business can provide.
“People do not realize we also have accountants, a marketing team, a development team, a restaurant and even special events and facility rentals staff. If you are passionate about an organization or particular company, dig harder, they may have the perfect job for you.”