How We Can Help

LAS Career Services is dedicated to empowering you on your path to success. With a wide range of resources and support, we can assist you in exploring career options, developing essential skills, and connecting with valuable opportunities. From personalized career advising and resume building workshops to internship and job placement assistance, we want to help make sure you have the tools necessary to not only get your next job, but build a meaningful career.

Let us help you unlock your full potential.

LAS 2030: Professional Career Preparation

Learn how to design a career that aligns with your values, strengths and skills in LAS 2030, a one-credit course required by all students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

We recommend taking LAS 2030 as soon as you can fit it in your schedule to give you the best start on your career in the making.

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    Career advising

    Our advising team provides one-on-one guidance to help students explore career paths, develop job search strategies, and enhance their professional skills. We also have a peer advising program where trained student advisors offer insights and advice based on their own experiences, providing a relatable and supportive resource for students.

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    Career fairs

    Career fairs bring together students and employers in a dynamic networking environment. These events offer a unique opportunity to explore a wide range of industries, connect with hiring professionals, and discover potential career paths. Whether you’re a freshman exploring options or a senior ready to launch your career, attending a career fair can be a game-changer in your professional journey.

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    Internships for credit

    LAS Career Services can approve internships for credit for undergraduate students whether the internship is paid or unpaid. There are certain requirements that must be met before an internship is approved and before you can register for the credit courses.

Interview rooms, headshots, and padfolios

LAS Career services has two interview rooms for reservation in Carver Hall. A dedicated remote interview room, free from distractions can not only help you focus, but will also impress your potential employer.

We also offer headshot services to use on your LinkedIn or job applications.

Padfolios are also available for rental to help you look professional and be prepared for your in-person interview.