Job and Internship Search Resources

Ready to search for positions? Don’t forget that the search for employment involves more than simply finding positions online to apply for – be ready to pursue specific employers you would like to work for and people who can help connect you!

Job boards

Below is a small sampling of job boards students and alumni have found helpful. For major/career-specific job boards, explore the “Employment Opportunities” and “Professional Associations” sections at the bottom of your major’s What Can I Do With This Major? page. Many professional associations have their own tailored job boards. For more job and internship resources, please make an appointment with career services by logging on to CyHire and selecting “Advising” in the top menu.

Featured resources

Big Interview allows you to complete tutorials, practice your interviewing skills via industry- or competency-based mock interviews, and receive immediate feedback on your answers and delivery. Candid Career is the premier provider of thousands of informational video interviews featuring industry professionals. The site is dedicated to providing the inside perspective on careers, as well as advice that will give you an edge in your job search.  GoinGlobal provides U.S. city and country employment guides, a job and internship search portal, and an H1-B visa database. This resource is especially helpful for students wanting to relocate outside of Iowa and international students searching for employers who have petitioned to sponsor international students in the past.

For GoinGlobal, you will be redirected to log in through CyHire. Once logged in, click Resources in the top menu to access the resource.