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Professional Headshot Photos!

Author: tbrow

When connecting with professionals, different employers, and organizations, you want to present yourself as a professional. Having a professional headshot can help you achieve this. 

I feel professional, confident, and strong now that I have a nice headshot for my LinkedIn and LAS Connect profile. It makes my page look polished, professional, and clean. I feel good and prepared when reaching out to other professionals because my profile photo helps me make an excellent first impression and conveys my professionalism.  

Reasons to Get a Professional Headshot:  

  1. It shows your professional side.  
  2. It gives people an idea of who you are before they meet you.   
  3. If you decide to connect with them on different social media platforms, it will help remind them who you are and where they met you.  
  4. Having a professional headshot helps you stand out.  
  5. Boots your confidence when meeting with professional peers!  

Reasons Why You Need a Professional Headshot Marshall Communications  


It is essential to understand what makes a headshot “professional”. A professional headshot isn’t just a selfie. It is sometimes the first impression and helps convey your professionalism.   


What makes a Professional Headshot?  

  1. Choose the right clothing  
  2. Perfect your Smile  
  3. Find the right angle  
  4. Talk with your photographer  

What Makes a Great Professional Headshot?  


Where to put your headshot:  

Your professional headshot is perfect for LinkedIn, Google, YouTube, Skype, Twitter, etc. If you have a professional Facebook or Instagram, and even Zoom, those are more places to post your photo. It is important to remember that your social media is public and whatever is posted to the internet is there forever. You want to make sure that your presence online is something you wouldn’t mind future employers seeing. Posting a headshot is an excellent way for people to know what you look like if you never have the opportunity to meet them in person.   


Where do I get my Professional Headshot?  

Lucky for you, you can get your professional headshot taken right here on campus! The LAS Career Services offers professional headshots in our professional headshot photo studio! Find us in Carver 150.  We offer assistance in taking your headshot photos with our iPad, or you are welcome to bring your camera in as well!


 ? Smile, get your professional headshots now!  

By: Taylor Mathis