Interview Rooms, Headshots, and Padfolios

Interview rooms and headshots

Two interview rooms are available for LAS students to reserve in Carver Hall, Monday-Friday from 8 am – 5 pm. Reservations are made via Microsoft Bookings (link below). Enter your @iastate email address in the Microsoft window to login with Okta and access the schedule. Your confirmation email will include a calendar invitation as well as a link to reschedule or cancel your booking, if necessary.

You must make your reservation at least 24 hours in advance. In order to serve the largest number of people, you can start and end your interview room reservation a maximum of 30 minutes before and after the official interview time. Please include that time in your reservation since we can only guarantee you the room for the exact length of your reservation. Contact us at with any questions or concerns.

Room/service details:

  • Carver 171: small conference room (seats 8) with whiteboard and TV screen with HDMI hookup
  • Carver 173: small room (seats 3) with whiteboard
  • Headshot Session (Carver 150):  neutral backdrop, softbox lighting, tripod, stool, and Canon camera; a staff member will assist you with taking the photos and then send you the raw files to edit or crop as you would like. Please review tips for taking a LinkedIn profile photo and the Add a Profile Picture video from LinkedIn Learning to make the most of your headshot session!

Padfolio rentals

Padfolios can be checked out to LAS students for 3 business days. Our padfolios are made of black simulated leather, fit and protect standard letter (8.5″ x 11″) documents, and provide a polished space to take notes and keep resumes. Stop in to Carver 150 during open hours to check one out. (Please note: we are typically closed the day of the Business, Industry and Technology and People to People Career Fairs.)