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Classroom to Careers: Cein Moran

**Cein Moran**

Senior in Sociology

Interned with Iowa Department of Corrections

Cein Moran, senior in sociology came to Iowa State and fell into sociology when he discovered the program covered many topics he was interested in, but still allowed him to take classes covering areas outside of his major. Maintaining good grades, making the Dean’s list and landing an internship with the Iowa Department of Corrections are all highlights of Cein’s time here as a Cyclone.

Cein uses the skills he learned as a sociology student for his internship with the Iowa Department of Corrections. He works under the Statewide Recidivism Reduction grant to conduct continuous quality improvement on a data tool known as the IRR which determines the likelihood of re-offenses involving victimization and violence.

“The most rewarding part of the internship is knowing that I am helping to ensure the assessment tool is being scored properly,” said Cein. “The tool helps establish levels of supervision to ensure public safety.”

The job has presented its own unique challenges, such as requiring Cein to learn the laws and other legal aspects of incarceration to know what kind of crimes influence a person’s level of supervision or risk of reoffending.

In preparing for the job, Cein took advantage of research opportunities with faculty, which he said allowed him to see data in a whole new light, and LAS career services office to review his resume drafts and personal statements.

“I realized how much professors and faculty really care about you, and that they want you to succeed,” said Cein, whose internship experience has driven him to continue to challenge himself as graduation approaches.