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Career Fair Takeaways!

Author: tbrow

You did it, you survived the Career Fairs (Insert crowd cheering)! 

We loved seeing everyone come out dressed to impress and ready to network. It’s important to look back on your experiences and think of things you did well, and things we can improve upon. After talking with some career fair attendees, we have come up with some of the top takeaways from the Spring 2019 Career Fair. 

1.) Importance of Connections 

Having a connection with a recruiter/employee in an organization before getting to the career fair can really help boost your experience. Whether it’s because you’ve already applied at that company, or you formed a connection through LinkedIn, going in already having a connection can set you apart. The more interactions you have with the organization really shows your interest.  

2.) Research, Research, Research 

The consensus from most attendees is that you can never do too much research. Not only will this make you feel more comfortable going and talking to an organization, it can also help fill any awkward silence that may happen during the conversation.  

3.) Go in knowing what you want 

The career fair can be overwhelming as is, so not knowing what you’re looking for can make it even worse. Sit down and take some time and think about what you’re looking for. The organization, industry, and specific internships or jobs you’re looking for are all important things to know. Not only will this ease your mind, it will also help you be more successful when talking with organizations. 


A huge thank you goes out to all of the students who attended the spring career fairs! We hope you had a great experience. If you are still internship and job searching be sure to utilize CyHire or set up an appointment with one of our career services advisors today.