Classroom to Careers: Interview Day Myth Buster
Author: tbrow

Author: tbrow
We talk about the Career Fair quite a bit on this blog. But, there is another day that can be just as equally important. Interview Day!
Interview Day takes place the day after the Career Fair. This is where certain employers have specified that they want to interview students on-campus after the Career Fair. While talking with an employer on the day of the Career Fair, they may ask you to come back for an interview. To be prepared, we wanted to go through some typical myths around interview day so that you are set up for success!
Myth 1: I can’t get an interview from the Career Fair.
As we have just covered, you definitely can get an interview from attending the Career Fair! While not all employers do this, you still have a lot of opportunities for it to happen.
Myth 2: I don’t know which companies are offering interviews.
You can actually look ahead and see which companies are participating in interview day. This is important to look at so you aren’t caught off guard if one is offered to you. You can find the list of employers going here.
Myth 3: I won’t get an offer from doing the interview.
False! The whole reason they are doing interviews is to find students to fill their positions. You may have to do another interview after this one, but there is a good possibility you could receive an offer.
Myth 4: I should accept the interview offer even if I’m not very interested in the position.
Even though it’s an excellent opportunity to get an interview, if you’re not interested in the position, you do not have to accept the offer. Not only is that bad for you, but the employer wants students who are interested in the position/working for them. If you accept and then change your mind, that’s okay! Make sure to email our Career Services office so the employer isn’t expecting you.
Myth 5: I’m only allowed to get one interview.
If you’re lucky, you can actually end up having multiple interviews offers throughout the day! In these cases, it would be good to have a cheat sheet with each company and position description so that its easier to prepare for each interview.
Myth 6: My interview will be in a private room with the employer.
While most typical interview experiences you’ll have are like that, Interview Day is not. Be prepared to walk into a room full of tables with other employers and students interviewing. While it’s different set-up, if you’re prepared ahead of time for what it will be like, you will do great!
If you’re still looking for some last-minute Career Fair help, you can stop by our office today for Drop-In hours from 12-2pm. You can look on our website for sample resumes and cover letters and tips & tricks for interviews. You can also find information about the employers that will be attending each career fair, and other tips from what to wear, questions to ask, where to park, and so much more!