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Classroom to Careers: Three Ways to Enhance your LAS Connect Profile as an Alum

Three Ways to Enhance your LAS Connect Profile as an Alum


As you start to explore our new platform, LAS Connect, you may be wondering how to present yourself to students. It can be intimidating to establish a great profile, reach out to current LAS students, or even position yourself as an expert in your field. The truth is, you have a lot of valuable information and a unique perspective to share!

Enhance your LAS Connect Profile with three easy steps:


Profile Appearance

Your profile is the first thing students will see so make sure it represents you well.

Show your face! Upload a profile picture as it will help others identify you and show that you are active and willing to help.

Feel free to brag a little. Create a detailed bio, and include important contact information as well as current and/or past employment. Students are interested in what you’ve accomplished and how you got there.

Revisit your Iowa State Adventure. Don’t forget to add your major from Iowa State or any other activities that you were involved in. This will allow others to connect with you on a more personal level.


Initial Contact

Step #1: Connect.

Starting the conversation can seem daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. Reach out first on LAS Connect by  commenting on a student’s post that you find interesting or direct messaging someone if you have information you think could benefit them.

Step #2: Make the First Move.

However you decide to reach out, let students know that you are willing to help. By sending the first message you will be easing the pressure on students and creating a less intimidating environment.

Step #3: Break the Ice.

When beginning the conversation try to add something about your time at Iowa State. This could be your favorite spot in Ames to study, your favorite building on campus, or even your favorite class. These will build personal connections with students, and you might even find out new things about Iowa State!


Share your knowledge

Is there something you wish someone would have told you in college?

Did you make a professional mistake that you want others to avoid?

Do you have a little (or big) tip that could positively impact a student’s life?

No matter how much you have to share, your personal experiences are going to resonate with students. Being able to learn from others who have been in their shoes is invaluable.

Offer professional and academic advice, pick from what you have learned through your own professional development, and be candid. LAS Connect is a fun and safe space to share honest and real professional development advice with students who are eager to listen.


Let LAS Connect be a place where you can share all that you have learned or are still learning, being open with students is key.

Even if you’re just starting out, the experiences you hold are more important than you may realize. Your advice could help a student get a job, continue their education, or figure out their passion.

Make a difference in a student’s life today. Sign up for LAS Connect and start networking! Email to sign up today.


Blog composed by Kerrigan Urbi.