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Don’t Wait to Visit LAS Career Services!

Author: tbrow

Many LAS students may think they don’t need to visit LAS Career Services until their last year or semester at Iowa State University, but that is not true! 

LAS Career Services has so much to offer for students, whether you are a first-year student or even an ISU alum! 

LAS Career Services offers one-on-one appointments regarding… 

  • Career Planning 
  • Resume/Cover Letter Review 
  • Navigating CyHire 
  • Interview Preparation 
  • Job/Internship Search 
  • Salary and Job Offer Negotiation 

LAS Career Services also offers… 

  • Career Fair and Workshops 
  • Padfolio Checkout 
  • LinkedIn Headshots 
  • Reservable Space for Phone and Virtual Interviews 

Schedule an appointment to meet with one of our LAS Career Advisors in CyHire! 

How to get to CyHire: 

ISU Homepage/Sign Ons/More Sign Ons/CyHire 

To add CyHire to your Okta Dashboard: 

From the Iowa State homepage, click “Sign Ons” in the top right corner and select Okta. Then, use the blue “Add Apps” button to add CyHire to your dashboard and log in. 

Once you are in CyHire, click on the “Advising Appt” button. This will allow you to “request a new appointment” 

Here is a great checklist to prepare you now for your next adventure with LAS Career Services! 

First Year: 

  • Visit Career Services in 150 Carver Hall 
  • Visit CyHire to explore  
  • Join student organizations 
  • Connect majors with career paths using the resources at 
  • Conduct informational interviews or job shadow
  • Write a resume 
  • Attend a Career fair to identify career paths and network 

Second Year: 

  • Visit Career Services to help with resume update, career fair preparation, and interview tips 
  • Take on leadership positions in student organizations 
  • Take LAS 203: professional Career Preparation course 
  • Attend career fairs and find internships on CyHire 
  • Obtain an internship 
  • Obtain a research experience if considering graduate school 

Third Year 

  • Meet with Career Services to update your resume 
  • Explore graduate or professional school, if applicable 
  • Attend career fairs and check for CyHire for available internships 
  • Use LinkedIn and LAS Connect to build your professional network 
  • Obtain a second internship 
  • Prepare a job search or graduate school application plan 

Fourth Year 

  • Meet with Career Services to review your resume, job search plan, and salary and benefits negotiations 
  • Apply to graduate/professional school, if applicable 
  • Use resources including CyHire to locate job postings 
  • Network with past employers, faculty members, alumni, family and friends to let them know you are job searching.  
  • Attend career fairs 
  • Report your post-graduation plans to Career Services and celebrate! 

Prepare NOW for your next adventure! 

By: Taylor Mathis