Career Planning Process

Career planning for undergraduate and graduate students

Complete as many of the activities below as you can, and you’ll find yourself on the way to a great career opportunity!

First Year – Undergraduate


  • Browse this website to learn about the services and resources offered to students and alumni
  • Sign in to your CyHire account to access internship and full-time job postings
  • Get involved in student clubs and organizations
  • Gather information about majors and careers
  • Conduct informational interviews or job shadow individuals in careers you are interested in pursuing
  • Begin a resume to keep track of employment, education information, and campus/community involvement
  • Visit career fairs to gather information about career paths and to practice networking
  • Build your professional wardrobe with dressy, conservative items of clothing

Second Year – Undergraduate


  • Continue to explore career paths
  • Work toward a leadership position in a student club or organization
  • Visit Career Services to help with career planning, a resume update, career fair preparation, and/or interview tips
  • Obtain a part-time job or volunteer with an organization related to your career plans
  • Visit the career fairs and utilize CyHire to learn more about internship opportunities
  • Create a LinkedIn profile to showcase your experiences and keep track of professional connections
  • Obtain an internship to gain experience and knowledge in your field, and consider earning credit for your internship experience

Third Year – Undergraduate


  • Explore graduate or professional school, if applicable
  • Continue to pursue leadership positions in student clubs and organizations
  • Update your resume and have it reviewed by Career Services
  • Visit the career fairs and check CyHire to find internship opportunities
  • Join a professional organization related to your career plans to help you learn more about the profession and make contacts
  • Begin your full-time job search by researching and making a list of prospective employers
  • Obtain another internship to further your experience in your chosen field
  • Network! Past employers, faculty members, alumni, family, and friends can be immensely helpful

Fourth Year and Beyond – Undergraduate


  • Prepare a job search or graduate school application plan
  • Update your resume and schedule an appointment with Career Services to have your resume and job search plan reviewed
  • Use job search resources including CyHire to locate job postings
  • Continue to network with your existing contacts and make an effort to meet new contacts
  • Attend career fairs
  • Keep track of the applications you have in progress and follow up as needed
  • Contact Career Services if you have questions about salary or negotiations
  • Report your post-graduation plans to LAS Career Services

Graduate School


  • Explore and research careers (e.g., academia, industry, government, non-profit, self-employment) that interest you ​
  • Find sources for job postings  (e.g., websites, professional associations, CyHire) to identify potential employers and needed qualifications
  • Assess the skills you need to develop for ​your desired career path(s)
  • Determine which career development activities (e.g., internship, research or teaching fellowship, post-doctorate) are most beneficial for your career goals
  • Visit Career Services to help with career planning, a resume/CV update, networking or career fair preparation, interview tips, and/or job- and internship-searching
  • Conduct informational interviews, continue to network with your existing contacts, and try to meet new contacts
  • Attend career fairs, professional organization conferences, and similar events within your field
  • Join a professional organization or campus organization