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Classroom to Careers: LASCS Has Gone VIRTUAL!

As we all try to navigate the rest of the semester together during this unprecedented time, we wanted to keep you all up to date on how Career Services is still here to support you in all your career-related needs!


Due to COVID-19, we have officially gone virtual! While this changes some of the ways we offer our services, we are still able to provide you resources to help you find a full-time job or summer internship. Here is what our resources will look like now:


  • Career advising appointments, mock interviews, and more are still available via phone or WebEx. You can make appointments through CyHire or by emailing
  • CyHire will continue to serve as a resource for students. This is updated every day so make sure to keep checking on the opportunities posted. Information Sessions for summer and fall opportunities are also being moved online – Look on the Information Session tab on CyHire for those updates.
  • The chat feature on the LAS Career Services website will be staffed during office hours (8am-5pm, Monday-Friday) and is there for any questions you have, big or small!
  • An upcoming webinar on salary negotiation is taking place on April 2 at 4:10pm and will be recorded and shared via email to registered students – follow this link to register today or email
  • All the resources on our website are still great tools to utilize:
    • Big Interview is a great way to practice for your upcoming phone/video interview.
    • Candid Careers has thousands of videos to watch about different career paths and interview prep tools.
    • If you’re looking to refine your application materials, you can check out our page on resumes, cover letters, and references, or prepare for your upcoming interview on our interview


We are meeting students where they are at! If you need help with something but aren’t sure how we are offering, just send us an email ( and we will guide you in the right direction.


“LAS Career Services is excited to continue to serve students and connect them to employers virtually! We know that this is a stressful time for students who are seeking internships and jobs, but we are here to support students and offer a variety of resources accessible online, as well as individualized phone and virtual appointments. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns!” – Taren Reker, LAS Career Services Director.


Hang in there Cyclones!