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Classroom to Careers: Chase’s COVID-19 Job Hunt

Author: tbrow

It’s no secret that our job or internship search has probably hit a couple of roadblocks with everything surrounding COVID-19. Every employer is taking it differently, and every person has to adjust their search appropriately.

In one of our recent blog posts, I took you through my post-grad job search process and how it had changed throughout the year. I wanted to give another update as to how my search process has changed.

Before spring break, and before COVID-19 hit us hard, my job search had some promising leads! I had three interviews lined up at some of the top companies I wanted to work at! Unfortunately, as we went into spring break, each of them ended up putting the hiring for those positions on hold. I’m not going to lie, I was very upset and frustrated that all of my leads were put to a halt. I felt a little defeated, but, after reading an article one of our Career Advisors sent me about job searching during the pandemic, I knew I had to keep pushing forward.

I took advice from the article and kept my search going, and continued to apply for positions throughout the past couple of weeks. I have found that there are still a lot of new positions being posted, and current ones are still looking for candidates. I applied for a position recently that was still hiring, and have gone through two rounds of interviews with them! Be reassured that there are still opportunities out there.

I also haven’t given up on those previous positions that were put on hold. I have been in contact with them, making sure they know that I am still interested in that position whenever they start hiring again. You never know when things will start getting better, and when those companies are going to need people. Stay connected with those leads you had!

Along with switching up the way I am searching, I have also had to alter my job search expectations. In this unprecedented time, there’s no way to know when things may go back to normal. This is why I have become okay with knowing I most likely won’t have a job locked down by the time I graduate in May. It’s okay if you don’t either! Whatever timelines we have put on ourselves, or society has put on us as students, have flown out the window! We need to set our own timelines and be realistic with the time that we are in so that we don’t drive ourselves crazy.

So, if all of your leads backed out on you, that’s okay. If you can’t find any open opportunities right now, that’s okay. If you’re worried about ever finding a job or internship, that’s okay too. I have to take it day by day, reminding myself of the situation we are in, and what I can do now to help set me up for success once everything is over. The job/internship search is difficult without a pandemic, so we need to give ourselves some grace and know that we will eventually get the result we want.

If you’re looking for some resources on how to continue your search, head to our COVID-19 page. It has information about how to get in touch with employers, tips for virtual interviews, and more! There are also still jobs and internships being posted on CyHire.

Can’t find a resource you need? Send us an email ( and we’ll help you out!